Well after all this time I figure it’s about time I review a movie I hate. Today’s feature: Thunderpants. “Thunderpants?” you say? Sounds oddly humorous. Well it’s not. But it was made, so maybe some idiots out there enjoy humour that requires zero brain power. Or maybe only people who are stoned out of their minds would find it funny. Either way, this film isn’t funny. Nor is it good in any other way. I once watched it and decided that I’d recommend to everyone NOT to watch it. And here’s why.
Thunderpants Title Card. |
Allow me to sum up the plot in one paragraph. Patrick Smash (henceforth known as “Farting Kid”) is constantly farting. There is never a moment when he is not. This drives his father away from home and causes all people at school to hate him because he smells; everyone except Ron Weasley who is a super genius who can’t smell. So Ron Weasley invents Thunderpants, pants that absorb the smell. Then he decides to take the pants one step further and invents Thunderpants 2, a flying machine powered by Farting Kid’s farts. Then some guys in black suits take Ron away and Farting Kid travels the world with some opera dude to find him, only to end up accidentally killing someone with his farts, then being put on death row, then being hired by the USSC to fly Thunderpants 3 to a satellite with his farting, because those men in black suits where American governments agents who hired Ron Weasley to make a spaceship powered by farts. So Farting Kid farts his way up to the satellite, saves the people there, and lives out his dream of becoming an astronaut. The end. Yes, it may sound funny now. But I promise you, in a right state of mind, you will find almost nothing funny in this film.
Review after the break.