Saturday, 21 July 2012

Link Blogging! - Featuring the Dark Knight Rises

Firstly, the non-Dark Knight Rises related links:
How I Met Your Mother season 9? and Sons of Anarchy prequel?
Star Wars - Call Me Maybe
$8000 Star Wars poster
Power Rangers the Musical at Comic Concert
Comic Con previews for Young Justice and Green Lantern the Animated Series

Pre-release The Dark Knight Rises:
Batman the Animated Series edited to parallel the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises made $25 million in pre-sales

By now I'm sure many of you have heard about the shooting at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises in Colorado. I've gathered a bit of information on the subject. It's funny how multiple sites are reporting slightly different information. Makes you wonder what is actually factual.
Basic information about the incident reporting 12 dead and 38 injured.
Warner Bros won't be releasing weekend sales for the movie out of respect for the families that lost loved ones until Monday anyway...
Christopher Nolan comments on the incident
Some networks are removing The Dark Knight Rises commercials, and costumes are banned from theatres
More on removing commercials, also editing the trailer to remove all guns
President Obama comments on the incident
Despite all this, The Dark Knight Rises still opened with the second highest midnight showing
Gangster Squad trailer removed from The Dark Knight Rises previews

I'm wondering, is it too soon to quote The Joker?

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Saturday Link Blogging

I apologize for not posting last week, but the power cord for my laptop exploded in a shower of sparks, rendering my laptop useless. So I'll be post what links from last week I collected, as well as the links from this week.

Last week:
Some stuff appearing at Comic Con though, this is happening right now, so you probably already knew that.
The Amazing Spider-Man's opening box office
Andy Griffith passed away at 86
The Simpsons 3D Short though it looks 2D to me.
Sherlock Holmes versus Frankenstein?
Iron man 3 concept art

This week:
Full soundtrack to The Dark Knight Rises
Director Wes Anderson is seeking ensemble cast for his next big film Includes stars such as Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Willem Dafoe, and Angela Lansbury
Movie previews to be at Comic Con
Benedict Cumberbatch will guest voice on The Simpsons
Writer of MIB3 to be writing Ghostbusters 3